How Sick Are You of Surveys? (They spend a second on the service, and want you to spend 5 minutes on the survey!)

*I guess the only way they will know, is if we tell them. Retailers who see the need to put consumers on “fill out this survey” overload.

Seriously, must I complete a survey to let you know how the girl who is being paid to reach inside the glass case to get (and hand me) the donut I purchased did?

I mean, I would’ve done it myself had it not been for the glass.

Give me a freaking break will ya?

Don’t get us wrong, as small business owners and entrepreneurs, we recognize the importance of feedback. We don’t mind completing a survey for services rendered for things like auto repair, tech assistance, speaking with our cellphone carrier about an issue (especially if they helped resolve it!).

But quite frankly, and this is me personally, I’m beginning to feel slighted by the service and rushed to the survey. I know I’m not alone. 

Tell you what, How ’bout we put a time limit on surveys. For example: I don’t want to even be approached about a survey unless what you did exceeded 5 minutes. Further, you have to have done something pretty outstanding; something beyond what you’re being paid to do

ThisNthat readers: Hit us up! What are some of the ridiculous incidents YOU have been asked to spend time completing a survey on? 

No seriously, we want to know.

C’mon think. You were probably approached with some dumb-ass survey today.

Use the comments section below to share and we’ll publish as soon as there’s a healthy dose of ’em. Feel free to call out the retailer, use your name, tag or whatever of you’d like. It’s optional though.

Thank you!

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